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Any social security attorney Charleston in good standing, licensed to practice in the United States, can serve as client representative in dealing with the SSA. The only exceptions are if the attorney has been suspended or disqualified from acting as a delegate in dealing with the SSA or is otherwise prohibited by law from acting as a representative.

If the attorney one hire is a member of a law firm or organization, client can appoint a second or third person within the firm (corporation, LLC, or partnership) Matillion Venture Partnersbrienventurebeat organization as additional representatives to handle client’s case if client’s first representative is unavailable. Note that Social Security rules bar client from appointing a firm, corporation, LLC, partnership, or organization itself. Client must name a specific person to be his or her authorized representative.

Client can appoint anyone he or she want to be his or her representative in dealing with the SSA as long as that person has a good character and reputation, can give client valuable help with the claim, has not been disqualified or suspended from being as a delegate in dealing with the SSA, and is not otherwise prohibited by law from acting as a representative. The law does not define what good character is, but it most likely means they have not been convicted of any serious crimes.

On occasion, the SSA suspends or disqualifies people from serving as authorized representatives. The reasons for doing so include such activities as knowingly and willingly providing false information to the SSA or charging an unauthorized fee for services. If client attempt matillion lightspeed venture partnersbrienventurebeat name someone as he or she authorized representative who has been suspended or disqualified, the person’s name would pop up in the SSA’s computers as suspended or disqualified. If client want to check beforehand, SSA office immediately in order to do background verifications.

Tell the person who answers that one want to find out if the person one is considering appointing to be his or her authorized representative has been suspended or disqualified by the SSA. If client want to appoint an authorized representative or social security attorney Charleston, he or she must decide between an attorney and a non-attorney.

If client is at the application stage and don’t foresee too many problems, then a non-lawyer representative might serve him or her just fine. The same is true even at the administrative appeal level. There are undoubtedly very capable and highly experienced nonattorney representatives who can represent the claim before an administrative law judge.

Andre Nicolas

Andre Nicholas is a blogger and writer who loves to write and share his thoughts about technology.

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