5 On Page Optimization Steps For Better SEO

Without On Page Optimization Get High Rankings In Search Engines Is Not Possible. If You Do A Better Off Page Optimization For Your Blog But You Don’t Do On Page Optimization of Your Blog Then You Cannot Get High Rankings In Search Engines. You Need Both On Page Optimization & Off Page Optimization For You Blog.  So Today I Tell You Some Basic And Important Tips Of On Page Optimization…

Title Of Your Post

Title Tag Is Very Important Tag Of Your Post. It Tells Search Engines What’s About Your Post/Page Is. So Always Write a Short And Descriptive Title Of Your Post. If Possible Then Please Add Your Main Keyword And Relative Keyword Of Your Post In Title Tag. Please Note Your Title Length Is Not More Than 70 Character. And Always Write Unique Titles For Your Each Post.

Meta Keyword And Description Tag

Use Meta Keyword And Description Tag In Your Post. Search Engine Not Includes Meta Keyword And Description Tag In Search Engine Rankings. But Its Shows a Good User Experience To Search Engines. Always Write Unique Descriptions For Each Post.

Check Also – 10 Most Important SEO Terms For Beginners

H1 And H2 Tags

Always Use H1 And H2 Tags In Posts. If Possible The Target Your Keywords In This Tags. These Tags Also Gives a Good Experience User To Search Engines.

Image Alt Tag

Search Engine Spiders Are Not Understand The Images Or Not Read The Images. So If You Are Use Any Images In Your Pages/Pots Please Add Alt Tag  To Every Images. After Adding a Alt Tag To Image Search Engine Spiders Easily Read Your Image And Gives a Plus Point To Your Page.

Internal Linking & External Linking

Always Inter Link Your All Pages. It Increase Your Pageviews Of Your Blog. This Is Very Useful For Your Blog. But When You Are Link Another Website/Blog To Your Page Then Use Nofollow Attribute To Your External Link.

Andre Nicolas

Andre Nicholas is a blogger and writer who loves to write and share his thoughts about technology.

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