Digital MarketingSEO

10 Most Important SEO Terms For Beginners

Search Engine Optimization Is a Very Important Term On Internet. If You Have a Blog Or Website Then S.E.O Is Very Important For Your Website.

Do You Know :- No S.E.O = Zero Visitor From Search Engine Or Zero Visitors From Organic Search.
And Organic Search Traffic Is Very Important For Your Blog. If You Do Better S.E.O Of Your Blog Then You Get Millions Of Organic Traffic From Search Engines To Your Blog.

So Today I Am Going To Share Some Important Search Engine Optimization Terms With You. Let See.

1. Black Hat S.E.O

Black Hat S.E.O Is a Illegal Website Optimization Process. In This Technique Search Engine Rules Are Not Maintained By Webmaster.

Spammy Backlinks, Hidden Text, Clocking, Keyword Stuffing, Link Farm etc Are Included In This Technique. Search Engines Always Avoid This Type Of Technique. So Never Apply These Techniques On Your Blog/Website.

2. Clocking

This Is a Special Type Of Black Hat S.E.O Technique. In This a Blog Show Two Different Views. One Is For Search Engines And Other Is For Visitors. Never Do This Technique On Your Blog Otherwise Your Blog Is Penalized By Search Engines. Penalized Means Deindexed In Search Engines.

3. Index Pages

Firstly Search Engines Crawl Your Website And Then Store Your Website Pages. This Process Is Known as Index Pages. Normally a Search Engine Take Few Hours To One Week For Index Your Newly Published Page. Search Engines Shows Only Indexed Pages In Their Results. So If You Want Organic Traffic Then Indexing Is Very Important For Your Blog.

4. Meta Data

Meta Data Contains All Basic Information About Your Webpage. Meta Data Tells Search Engines To About Your Webpage. It Contains Website Owner, Author Name, Location, Language, Keywords, Description Of Your Webpage.

5. Sitemap

Sitemap Is a Basic Structure Of Your Blog/Website. Sitemap Is Make By Two Languages. First In Xml And Second In Html. Xml Sitemap Is For Search Engine And Html Sitemap Is For Visitors Of Your Blog.

6. 301 Redirect

In 301 Redirect All Visitors Of Your Blog Is Redirected To New Address Of Your Blog. This Technique Is Used When You Are Moved Your Blog From One Domain TO Another Domain. For Example If You Are Blogs At And You Want To Change Your Blog Address From To Then You Have Need To 301 Redirect.

7. Panda And Penguin Update

Panda And Penguin Are Two Algorithm Of Google Search Engine. These Are Used To Increase Search Engine Result With Quality Content.

8. Robots.txt

Robots.txt Is a Text File Of Your Website. It Is Used To Control Web Crawlers Or Bots. By The Robots.txt File You Can Easily Stop Bots To Crawl a Specific Page Or Directory Of Your Website. Proper Use Of Robots.txt Can Give Better Results In Search Engines.

9. Page Rank

Page Rank Is Estimated By Google On The Basis Of DoFollow Backlinks To Your Blog. If Your Blog Have Many Quality Do Follow Backlinks Then Your PageRank Is Also High.

10. White Hat S.E.O

When Your Blog Or Website Optimized In a Legal Way Then It Is Called White Hat S.E.O. In This Technique You Have Need To Follow The Search Engine Rules And Regulation.

Andre Nicolas

Andre Nicholas is a blogger and writer who loves to write and share his thoughts about technology.

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