Essential Smartphone Accessories Every User Must Have
Smartphones have become an essential part of our lives and they are so important to us that we can’t imagine living without them. Whether its email, music, social networking, gaming or anything else we have become accustomed of doing it on our smartphones. Smartphones are awesome but they become even better when we add accessories to them which not only make it easier for us to do certain tasks but also enhance the smartphone experience. In this post we are going to mention some must have smartphone accessories that every user should have. Let’s get started.
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Good Headphones
For many including me smartphones have also become their primary music player replacing iPods and other media players available in the market. If someone wants to fully enjoy his or her music then good headphones are among the must have smartphone accessories. Most of the time headphones that come with smartphones are not of great quality so a good decision is to purchase one from the market separately A decent headphone can be purchased from the market at a price of $60 to $100 or even more depending on how good of a headphone you are looking for.
External Battery Case
As we have mentioned it countless times the batteries of smartphones are awful They don’t last the whole day in heavy use and you have to charge them every 5-6 hours if you play games and heavily use internet on them. A good solution to this problem is to buy an external battery case for the smartphone that not only provides protection to your device but also doubles its battery life.
Bluetooth Headset
If you use your smartphone for talking while driving or walking them a Bluetooth headset is among your must have smartphone accessories. You can wear the Bluetooth headset and keep on talking even if your smartphone is not that near to you as Bluetooth of today has a good range of several meters.
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Portable Speaker
We recently did a post in which we suggested you the best portable speakers available in the market for your smartphone or tablet. Portable speakers might not be that essential for your smartphone but they are useful indeed. I personally have a X-mini KAI and not only use it at home but also when away because it always stays in my backpack. You can share your music and enjoy collectively using a portable speaker with your smartphone. The fruits of this small gadget are endless so it is on our list of must have smartphone accessories.
Smartphone Camera Tripod
For you photography enthusiasts out there who are always taking photos and tweeting or Instagram-ing them right from the smartphone a smartphone camera tripod is a good thing to have. Although professional photographers wouldn’t rely on smartphones camera but part time photographers could use the device’s feature. If you like to take good photos using your smartphone then do get a smartphone camera and its among the must have smartphone accessories for photography enthusiasts.
Extra Set of Batteries
If you don’t like battery juice packs and you don’t have Apple iPhone or any other smartphone with non-removable batteries than keeping extra set of charged batteries with you can prove to be very helpful. Ladies can put them in their purse whereas gents could put their extra set of batteries in their car, backpack or any other place that makes it accessible most of the time. There are several accessories such as the Fuel that could also serve the purpose well.
So that’s all folks this is our list of must have smartphone accessories. If you have suggestions or feedback about this post or would like to share your thought on this topic then do comment below.